Stoke Toy Run


Twas a cold start to the day - my gauge read -1c as Norma and I set off from home. But us MANHOC riders are a hardy lot.....


Got to the meeting place to find Gary and Steve in conversation about Garys new intercom system. This continued all morning and they still didn't get them to work.
 Still, Steve's coffee was very welcome.
Paul & Neil seemed happy
And this was supposed to be the group photo - note the ones on the left ignoring Steve (photo taker)
So, we set off down the motorway to the Millennium Stadium in Stoke. We met up with loads of bikers as we got near and, once inside, found loads more.
Steve and Gary were soon back on the intercom lark once again. The only cure seemed to be the classic tap on the head manoeuvre.
How do you like my pirate headgear ?
So, we set off for the ride. No pictures because we were riding (where are the pillions when you need them ?). We seemed to go round Stoke forever, but it was only about 10 miles. Still,  when there are 3000+ bikes, it takes a while - and really really holds up the traffic (he he he).  
We arrived at the destination and all felt proud to have helped out - especially Norma.
We got ourselves ready to pass over the toys - as did others more appropriately dressed
Steve had to go off early - so, at last an action shot !