

The morning dawned - fresh and sunny. A great day for a ride. So, off I toddled to the services to meet up with everyone. But only 6 bikes in total, surely some mistake ? No, the name "February" had struck fear into everyone else hearts and they had stayed cuddled up in bed.

But here were the intrepid travellers, ready to go.

So, off we went. Had a lovely ride over the Pennines and down into Huddersfield. Then, onto some bumpy back roads to the Strines Inn. Food was, as ever excellent - but make sure you get there early to get a table.

So, we go outside to saddle up for the next run.

Gary set off first to capture us on film. We followed a couple of minutes later. As I approached Gary (I was in the lead), he waved me down. "We have 2 riders off behind you" he cried. I had seen nothing.

But apparently, Neil had ridden wide on a bend and went scampering through the grass before coming to a halt, still upright, in a ditch. Peter, behind him, had seen this and hit the brakes too hard. Front wheel went out and he went down and slid into the same ditch.

Damage - one indicator on Neils CBR600. One mirror and a crash bar on the Peter's Pan. Peter had a cracked rib (we think).

So, the plans for the rest of the day were somewhat curtailed and we limped back to Peter's place and then on to see Andy for a brew.