

The weather forecast was for overcast skies with occasional rain. So, we all came prepared for the worst. Started off at about 10 degrees (c) and was over 20 by the time we got to York. Nice blue skies and everyone agreed it was a really good day for a ride. Shame only 6 turned up. Still, some pictures:

At the start - Norma needed a sugar infusion before we started.
We had a nice ride over to York, via Morrisons for a cuppa. Got to York and found this nice biker friendly parking place, where we stripped off for the warm weather. Gary showed Geoff how to lock bikes up and we left them in spendid isolation.
A spot of lunch was called for.
We then had some York culture by going around the Yorvik museum. This is us queuing before Norma shot off to M&S for a while. Once inside, we sat in these cars whilst being whisked around.
After that, we had to have refreshments again. Geoff bought an enormous ice-cream and then proceeded to demonstrate why he should have not done so. The rest of us just had coffee.
Got back to the bikes to find it a little more croded. The ride home was pleasant. Geoff had to rush back to Karen (brownie points to be won), the others came back to ours for Norma's famous fish cakes.