A dull and cloudy day - but we are hardy. So, 9 bikes turned up at Poplar for
the 10:30 start. At which time, we were informed it was 11:00 on the web site
!!!! Still, after a McD breakfast I was ready for anything (almost).
So, we set off over to Macclesfield and then turned left over the famous pass
to Buxton. Once we passed the obligatory policeman with his radar gun (and gave
him a cheery wave), the weather really closed in. Low cloud and freezing
conditions meant that corners were taken upright and slowly. It was interesting
having a load of cars following us up the hills.
The stop at the top was very welcome - and the mince pies more so. After we
had unfrozen, we dropped down to Buxton for lunch. A brief foray into Matlock
and home to a welcoming bath.
No one got lost or fell off - so, another successful day out. Some pictures: