

Yet another beautiful sunny day for our ride to Scarborough. Shame I was only doing half the ride (more on that later!).

We met up at Birch Services as normal and, with about 19 bikes in tow, I led the ride - Gary wanted to see what it was like being a sheep. No major issues apart from one yellow Triumph who didn't understand what the Buddy system was all about...... After a quick ice cream stop (just for Geoff) we pottered on to our lunchtime stop outside Thirsk - where Paul announced "I don't do Little Chefs" and shot off to find a pub. The rest of us enjoyed the Olympic breakfast and we filled up and carried on.

Well, the rest of you did - this is where I had to go home (work and really early start the next day). Just after I spotted Paul catching the party up, I was spotted too - by a radar trap. Oops...... Really made my day.

The rest of the crew seemed to have a nice time, judging by the photos. No captions, since I was not there.