

The gods are smiling on Manhoc - it was another warm and sunny Sunday for our trip to Skegness. About 14 bikes turned up, ranging from a neat Hornet to Sue's beautiful Aprillia (OK- not a Honda, but still gorgeous)

The route down went via Snake Pass - traffic free once we overtook the bus, so an excellent start, through the outskirts of Sheffield and across the countryside. We made normal progress - averaged 40 mph, but then, that's all you can do in England these days. Went via this small toll bridge (10p per bike) where Gary had some sort of altercation with the ticket man - but we all got across OK. Once in Skegness, we parked (for free) and wandered off for fish & chips.

The journey back was quicker since N & I had to get back to sort out an errant house alarm - so a quick blat up the motorways and home.

Another super day out. Photos with the appropriate comments:

At the start.
First stop. Was supposed to be just for a loo break - but someone ordered 10 teas - so we had to drink them ! And what was Gary doing in his top box ? Answers on a stamped five pound note to ...

The King & Queen of cool.....
Once we got to Skegness, the bikes were - well, abandoned.....
And a strip was in order before lunch
The, on to the beach, a wander round, some photos to take
And back to the bikes to go home - after the obligatory sunbathing