


In the true tradition of our rides, it was dry and (nearly) sunny. But a bit on the cool side (Val was last spotted adding another 6 layers). Starting off from Poplar, we had 7 bikes and 2 pillions; a good turnout for October. So, off we zoomed, adding Alan on his Triumph as we left (can't be too late !).

Everything went fine until we hit Market Drayton, when Gary decided that a car park was part of his route. So, Graham decided to lead ("I know this area well") and proceeded to take us off the wrong exit at the first roundabout. He has obviously got the same sense of direction as Gary.....

The RAF museum was fun and we met other bikers there (even some who professed to know us). Then, on with the ride - SOUTH ? This confused us but Gary said he knew the way so, like the sheep that we are, we just followed. All was OK until Gary ran out of clutch fluid and Alan ran out of brake fluid (no, not me - the other one). So, a call to a local garage, some DOT4 and a friendly mechanic later, we were back on our way. A last stop at the Midway Little Chef - Brian does like his Olympic breakfast - and home. A very nice day out with good clear roads and reasonable weather.

Some piccies - waiting on others to send theirs.

At the start, Gary had some of his angels waiting
In the cafe at Cosford, all tucking in somehow (the food was not that good)
Sorry Mandy, it's all gone !
Around the museum - the Fairey and the (hidden) Short
Then out to the car park - so who left their keys in the bike lock for 3 hours?