


The day dawned bright and sunny - well, actually it was cloudy and raining. But that didn't stop our intrepid band of riders from meeting up at Forton Services. 7 bikes and 10 people. Not bad...

After a lazy breakfast of beans on toast, we set off - to the petrol station where the leader (me) bought a map so we would have some idea of where we were going. [Come back Gary, we miss you]. As we set off, the weather improved.

After the motorway section, the rest of the trip round to the Sellafield visitor centre was very pleasant - dry roads, not much traffic and good fun.

We had a nice lunch (check out the GIANT sausages if you go there) and set off again over to the Red Rooster. After a spot of tea, we ended up riding over Shap - one of the best roads in the country IMO - and down to Kendal to head for Devils Bridge. Here we made our (OK, my) only mistake and headed off up the wrong road. But a quick look at the map and we were off again. Now, it has to be said that a "white" road should contain tarmac - but no one told Cumbria council. So, we had a brief off road excursion (Sue loved the potholes so much she took an impression of one home with her), we ended up back on the right road and into Devils Bridge for a much needed icecream.

So, a good day - sunshine and the occasional shower.

Photos - not many today.

Lunch at the Visitor Centre. Note Phil's HUGE lasagne and that's my roast beef opposite.
Ahh - the sausages !!
And of course, it was far too big for little Sue !
The car park at Sellafield. No extra heads or arms yet - but we are hopeful.
And at Devils Bridge - note the sunshine.