Metro Centre



Well, a lovely day for a ride. Sunny and around 12 degrees. So, why did we only get three bikes out ? One answer is that Gary forgot to take his in for a service on time - consequently, it was not ready in time. But where were the rest of you?

So, all you who didn't come, you missed GARY AS A PILLION ! Yes, he was determined to go so ended up as a pillion on the Chairmans FJR. Ah, such humiliation should be witnessed by thousands (he he he). OK, on with the ride.

It was a nice day but the roads were very greasy so we stuck (sic) to the main A roads and headed off to the Metro Centre for some shopping. After a few miles, we had to do an emergency repair after my heated grips came loose and I had no throttle. But some insulating tape got us going again.

 Our first stop was at the Scotch Corner services where Phil (he of the red BMW bus) kindly informed us that his personal bits were a bit squashed. We ignored his plea to rub them better and went in for some refreshments.

Then off to the Metro Centre where Rona finally showed us the "Garys Angels" tee-shirt. Very nice too. So, off to the shops and some food. Then a mad dash back home before it got too late.

For the last ride of the year, it was very pleasant.

And a few photos

Phil has trouble standing up but eventually makes it. He is ordering a larger set of leather trousers for next year.
Phil and Rona walk over to commiserate (or laugh - take your pick)
Rona is persuaded to show off her tee shirt (with some help)
Rona then goes shopping while her men wait outside
And finally, no ride is complete without food