


Another typical Manhoc ride day - sunny but cool (OK, F'in cold!). We all met up at Birch Services as normal. After adjusting the route somewhat (lets go to Wales says Gary - but we needed to end up in Rochdale for the pancakes, so we ended up being sensible and heading North), we set off up the M66 where our illustrious leader proceeded to get lost.... At this point, the Chairman (Alan) who knows the area decided to lead the way and we had a wonderful ride around the twisties to Slaidburn. After a 10 minute stop, we carried on along the B roads into Settle (via an unscheduled stop when the leader got lost) and a nice cafe where much food was consumed.

The final part of the ride was back along the A roads to Nelson and then along the motorway to Rochdale. It was believed that a certain lady exceeded the speed limit a bit - but we won't tell.....

Pancakes and Bolognaise were waiting for us when we got to Alan & Normas place followed by chocolate cake. Yumm!. Then a chat, a few derogatory remarks (in the finest Manhoc tradition) and everyone went their own way.

The weather held out for us - sunny all the way around, nothing lower than 0c and no ice on the roads. What more can you ask for ?

Pictures from Alan, Brian and Gary. If anyone wants full size copies, just email the chairman.

The start.
As we left, Alan took these pictures.

First stop at Slaidburn
As we left, Gary took these pictures at a hairpin bend.

Next stop - the cafe in Settle. Actually a factory shop which sold vibrating sheep !
Brian decided to try and be a sheep.
Then back to Rochdale. You can fit loads of bikes on our drive
And inside for food.