Another fine day dawned - ah, a lie in since we are not starting till 11am
today. So, I got to the start point to find hundreds of bikes around - which
ones are ours ? Oh yes, the people outside McDonalds - typical !
So, after sorting ourselves out, we set off. 16 bikes came with us with
myself (the Chairman) leading and a brightly coloured BMW bring up the rear (as
it should with a colour scheme like a bumblebee).
The route was interesting; we managed to avoid most of the towns and find
some nice back roads to play on. We got to Castleton just in time for lunch.
Gary, Malcolm and Jean joined us here and we then had a nice play in the caverns
(thanks to Phil for getting us a good discount) across the road (The Devils
Arse) before setting off over to Snake Pass and a welcoming drink at a local
Some pictures: