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Well, what a day. We had everything - sunshine, rain, hail, snow - all in the space of about 6 hours. But, we in Manhoc are a hardy lot - we don't care. We soldier on through anything...

The start was pleasant. We assembled at the services and, by the time we left, we had 18 bikes waiting to go. Two disappeared straight away (flat battery and a sympathy vote) so 16 bikes headed off into the sunshine - which soon turned to rain.... Gary took us on his normal wiggly route and, by the time we stopped for a brew, we had done about 60 miles and were about 20 miles from the start !

After a quick stop for food and drink (and waiting for the rain to stop), we set off for Betws-y-Coed. The roads were good and rather empty - apart from one bit where the hail laid on the road and we had to tiptoe our way through it.

Getting to Betws, we stopped for a late lunch and, after looking at the time and weather, decided that Anglesey was not a good idea. So, we toddled off back home via Corwen and the A494. I got drenched in a snow blizzard, so I hope every one else was OK (thinking of Carl going all the way back to Leeds).

Not a fast run - we had the Carl and his scooter again (brave man, all the way from Leeds...) but quite pleasant if you ignore the weather (which we did).

So, some photos follow - apologies for the poor quality - I bought a new camera and all the settings were wrong...

At the start. David and Kim turn up.
Carl came all the way over from Leeds on his scooter - and then parked all by himself...
And the rest of us gathered in a crowd
At the first stop, we all drip dried.
And had some food. Judy is on a diet - so the chips are all for John
As you can see
Then, on to Betws and yet more food - in Karens case, cream - to keep up the calories.
Then, a last stop before we split up - Malc and Val getting into the spotlight
And, of course, Gary and his Angels.
When I got home, look what was waiting for me ! So, I think the bike cleaning can wait a day!