Bolton Abbey

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Just the two of us today. I felt like a ride out (withdrawal symptoms - it's either a ride or retail therapy), so I emailed out for company. John responded and we met up at Birch Services [where John had been chatted up by a girl with a Hornet]. It was pissing down... The BBC weather had said it would clear up by 11 - Ha! No such luck.

But we are men and we don't let a little rain stop us. So, off we toddle for a ride up the back roads to Bolton Abbey via Haworth. The journey was "interesting". Going over the tops, we encountered thick fog - actually, we were in the middle of a rain cloud - and couldn't see too far. Then, between Hebden Bridge and Haworth, some dozy driver had deposited diesel fuel all the way down the middle of the road - about 5 miles worth.

Got to our first stop - no cafes open and the pub wasn't serving food. So, we ended up in a Hungarian chip shop (which had some nice food). Then, on the bikes again to Bolton Abbey. We stopped at our favourite cafe for a welcome brew and (for me) a bun to keep me going.

The last part of the journey - which had the least traffic, was up to Grassington and home via Colne. No issues, apart from me having a slide at Colne roundabout. Then home, clean the bike and relax with a small glass of refreshment.

Only a couple of pictures....

This was John in Haworth - note the two Yamahas in the Honda Owners Club!!
And at the Bolton Abbey cafe, John shows off his "Jake the Peg"  impersonation.