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It's Sunday again - where does the time go? I awoke to the pitter patter of rain - looked out of the curtains and nearly went back to bed. But no, a ride calls and we are hardy folk in Manhoc. So, trying not to wake Norma, I got dressed and crept out of the house, to find the rain had stopped. Excellent.

After a decent breakfast and filling up the bike, I got to the starting point about 20 mins early. The others arrived in dribs and drabs, led from the rear by Steve (sorry, I had a puncture) and Sue. Never mind, it gave John and Geoff a chance to sample an Egg McMuffin while we waited (and Judy managed scoff a whole chocolate muffin down).

We (8 bikes and 3 pillions) set off around 10:30 and by 11:15 the heavens opened and we had to stop quickly to pull on the waterproofs. Off we go again - this time, nice and dry while the weather did it's worst. By 12:30, the sun had come out and the idiots had joined us - 2 pedestrians who decided that the road was a safer place than the pavement and a taxi who decided (at the last minute) that his pickup was in a ploughed field. Both times Malcolm's brakes worked well (not sure what colour his trousers are though).

Lunch was at a super pub just outside Thirsk. Most of us followed Gary in. Paul and Steve decided to overtake Gary (why?) just before we turned in - so they were late. The food was superb and just kept coming. It's not often that we give food back, but even Gary and Geoff had to admit defeat. Then, on to Goathland (or Aidensfield as it should be called). We arrived at the car park which seemed to have loads of spaces - but Mr Jobsworth hastily directed us to a muddy field (which still cost us £1 each). After parking up, we wandered around, found a tea shop and ended up with hot chocolate and scones - yummy....

At this point, I had to leave - the others (for all I know) are still out there somewhere.

So, some pictures to keep you all amused

At the start. Milling around getting ready. And then the group photo
Stopping to put on the watherproofs. John (as ever) makes it look so difficult)
Then, taking them all off again at the lunch stop
Once inside, we found a new use for the pool table
John made himself comfortable - and the rest followed.
Paul was named "black sheep" for missing the pub stop
Then the food arrived. Geoff just ordered a sandwich !!
Afterwards, Judy needed a lie-down to recover.
The muddy car park. No problem for Manhoc bikes !!
So, we walked around - Rafael found his cousins, and we found a police car even Gary could get away from
Then, more food (do we ever stop eating?)
Geoffs cream managed to get all over his nose - Malcolm may have had a hand in it !!
And Gary got one Angel to care for him