Hadrians Wall

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Early start for this ride since we knew it was going to be a long day. So, 9:30 the riders and passengers assembled at the car park. I did a quick count - 19 bikes and 3 pillions. A good turnout for the first really long ride of the year. This would really test the buddy system.

We set off up the A56/M65 where Gary immediately set the tone of the day - he turned off one junction too early and we had a quick detour through Nelson. But we were soon back on track and heading up towards Kendal and our first coffee stop at Morrisons. A few riders tried to head into Devils Bridge but were soon persuaded that it was not a good idea (I think it was the car boot sale that attracted them).

Then on towards Hartside Cafe and lunch. But what is this? A detour - accident ahead, so we had to go via a small farm track. We negotiated this successfully (apart from Gary who tried to go via someone's front garden) and were soon back on the main road - where we met up with the accident and couldn't get through. Yes - the police had omitted to put the second detour sign up to guide us ROUND the accident. So, we turned back to the Red Rooster for a late lunch.

But we were determined to get to Hadrians Wall. So, a quick look at the map and the time (about 2:30) and we blasted up the M6 and across the A69 to arrive at our chosen destination. But where was the wall? "About 200 yards that way" said a local. Hummmmmm - their idea of a "yard" is a lot bigger than ours. But, after wandering along this footpath and up the side of a cliff, we did at last ARRIVE !!! Yes, we found the wall. We climbed on the wall. We repelled the invaders. Then we went down to the shop and had a well deserved ice cream.

And so, onwards to Middleton and tea, After Alstom, myself and 2 others took off to really try out the roads. Oh, what a wonderful 22 miles - sweeping bends, short but fast straights, nice roads (I was told afterwards that they were a bit damp, but I didn't notice thanks to BT020's). We got to Middleton a good 10 minutes in front of the others - just as the rain was beginning to come down (which is why the photos are a bit dark).

The food was sort of OK - very slow service and small portions of soup - but the place was warm and the company pleasant. So, we togged up for the final run down to the M6 and home. Ahh, the bath at the end was most welcome.

So, a wonderful day out. I ended up doing about 340 miles - which is the longest ride I've done this year.

And, of course, some pictures to remind us all of the fun we had.

At the start. Bikes  and people all over the place
First stop at Morrisons and we all crowd into a few parking spaces.
Then, on to the Red Rooster.
Inside, we get on with the important task of eating - at least some do. Then Garys food arrives. But he knows John really likes Black Pudding - and Paul really loves his chips.
Then, to the wall. The walk took us through forests and up mountains
And then we were there !
Gary had to be with his angels, of course (plus Norma looking over as his guardian angel)
And then frolics on the wall.
and off the wall too
John and Judy enjoy a quiet moment
Then back down for some refreshments
The ride into Middleton-on-Teeside
And finally, food and laughter before the soggy ride home.