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A lovely sunny start to the day - so on with the dark visor. Filled up on the way and arrived at the start point to find a few bikes and (wait for it) one scooter. A lovely Honda 125 ridden by Carl all the way over from Leeds - so, welcome to the club, Carl, and I hope you enjoyed the day.

At the start we had 11 bikes (including Carl's scooter) and 12 people. About the right sized crowd not to get lost - or so we thought. All went OK until the A59 when someone (who shall remain nameless) was daydreaming and missed the marker man. So, 4 of us went sailing up the wrong road for a few minutes. But, that's OK, all part of the fun. We soon turned round and carried on.

Got to the first stop (Slaidburn) for one member to announce that he needed petrol. So, a diversion to Settle was arranged and lunch was had in a very nice cafe (meat pie and chips - yummy).

So, off we go to the next stop - Ingleton caves. But we arrived a bit late for the tour so made do with more food and drink (seems to be a favourite occupation for Manhoc people). Then, off on the last part of the ride over the M6 and down the A6 and back roads to home (via another pub for some more refreshments, of course). A small drama ensued when Brian had to stop quickly when a leg muscle knotted up - but a bit of massage soon sorted that out.

A lovely day's ride - a slow pace for a change, but that is no bad thing these days !!! A wam thanks to all who came - one of the best rides we have done.

And finally some pictures.

At the start
The first stop for food. As ever, Gary enjoys his sweet
Then, some photos of us on the bikes. I hope I got everyone.

Then, on to Ingleton Caves for another brew - where my camera was captured and used against me! - and Mandy was feeding Gary his sweeties....