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Today I was woken up early - by a howling gale blowing past the bedroom window. Hum, I thought, not a good start. Still, never mind - it's a good excuse to see how well my FJR handles in a wind (like a boat is the answer).

So, off I toddle to the meeting point at Forton Services; overtaking Neil on the way. The wind had died down by the time we arrived, but the weather wasn't too good. Gary was already there, so we went for a coffee. We decided that, due to the weather and the lack of participants, it would be fortuitous to postpone the visit to Harry Potters castle to another day and just have a ride up to Hartside and around there. Geoff and Karen then arrived - they were Ok with that too. Outside we met Peter and, while waiting for petrol a new HOC member, Dave, joined us. So we had 6 bikes and 7 people - a pretty good turnout considering the weather.

The run to Hartside was good - over Shap, which is one of my favourite roads. We had an excellent lunch there (as you can see below) and then had a foggy run over the tops to Alstom and Middleton - where another tea stop was called for. After that, we diverted to Barnard Castle for petrol and Leyburn for a last drink before the run home via Kettlewell (yet another fine road). It was only at Colne that the heavens really opened and we got a bit drowned for a while. But, a good warm bath soon makes the bad memories fade away.

So, a good run - we ended up doing over 230 miles. Some pictures below:

At the start - Karen works out a new arrangement for when she needs a pee stop (it didn't work, she was still bursting to go when we stopped)
The rest of us ignore this and get ready for the trip.
The bikes at Hartside - looking lonely.
Inside, food was taken - seems to be a Manhoc habit !
The sweets looked very good - and both Gary and Geoff indulged
Neil posed for the camera.
Then, on to Middleton. I went ahead and got the camera out for some riding shots. Geoff and Karen
Dave Peter and Neil
With Gary bringing up the rear
Finally, the bikes parked up at Middelton. We found a very nice cafe.