Pancake Run

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Well, a lovely day all round really. The weather proved to be the normal Manhoc ride - sunny and dry (apart from odd spots on the ground. We were anticipating a good crowd - in the end we had 19 bikes with 3 pillions.

So, off we set from the Little Chef start, where I took some pictures (see below). No problems - the buddy system was working and we shot off up the motorway to the A59. Brian's bike was playing up a bit so he slowed up. Unfortunately, Paul thought he had stopped and turned round to find him - that was the last we saw of Paul until Hawes!. We carried on and then left up the Kettlewell road. A nice B road - not too many cars and we made progress. Until - Gary saw a sign to Hawes and took us off our route and onto this muddy, icy farm track. Well, it was shorter - but took us longer as we found out when we met Paul at Hawes and he got there before us!

Once at the Creamery, we invaded the restaurant only to be repelled because they didn't have enough tables. So, we split up and each got snacks where we could.

We met up at 1:30 for the ride back to our house for the pancakes. I led the way and Gary brought up the rear. We made good progress  (in spite of Peter's intercom system cutting in and spoiling my music) to the petrol station - Steve's bike seems to need more filling than most - but if he will have an SP1 !!!!

Then, back to the house, where pancakes and Chilli was on offer by Norma. After much merriment and being eaten out of all food, they all departed in the twilight gloom.

As always, the odd photo or two.

At the start
Everyone setting off - I hope I've got everyone.

Once at Hawes, we created a bit of a traffic jam with all the bikes
But we didn't care, we needed out Hot Chocolate dream with scones and jam on the side.
Gary, of course, had the full three course meal
Afterwards, the oldies had to have a sit down `
And then Paul arrived (he'd been waiting in the down centre)
So, back to Rochdale, where we parked wherever we could
No ride would be complete without Gary and his angels - so here he is
Just before he starts to stuff his face (again)
Judy wasn't too impressed with her small one !
And here is the cook having fun
As always, the men congregate in the kitchen - now we know why - it's because that is where the food is.
Finally, as dusk falls, people drift away - Malcolm needs a helping hand when reversing