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Today was one of the best attended rides of the year (if not THE best). We (Norma and myself) arrived at around 10:30 to find a horde of bikes and bikers at the meeting point. Gary told us later that there were 24 bikes - I think that's a record for this year - and the second best ever for manhoc. Loads of new faces - so welcome all and I hope you enjoyed the day.

A quick loo stop and we were off, once Gary had sorted out his radio. After about 30 seconds we realised that he hadn't done so. So, I moved to be behind Gary so that I could talk to Norma - who was the back marker. This worked very well - the radios worked even when we were two miles apart - and Peter had a nice time listening to our inane banter. The route wound its way down the A49 and across to Llangollen (eventually) and after about 2 hours we arrived at the Ponderosa. I did hear Pete's daughter asking how long till we stopped - about 5 minutes before we got there. Amazingly we didn't lose anyone.

The cafe was crowded so we all had separate tables. After which Norma and I went off (she "found" a farm shop which we had to visit) and the rest carried on.

A few pictures of the day - not many today.

At the start.
On Horseshoe Pass - I stopped to take pictures as they all went past - I missed Gary and obviously, I didn't take me - so that's the 24.