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Set off 10am. Too early for some but everyone turned up more or less on time.
Bit of a long way before stopping but Morrisons was a welcome sight, where, believe it or not Gary DID NOT have any breakfast !!!!!!! 
Onwards to the B & B along some lovely roads. Arrived, off loaded the luggage and set off again for devils Bridge. A different one from the one we all know and love.
Started with a cuppa and a cake to get a bit of sustenance for the trek ahead. Raph discover what kissing was and we all set off.
Up hill and down down dale. Well on a smaller scale perhaps, but there were a a lot of ups and downs. Should have suspected it really, we had gone to look at the waterfalls after all. Weather was brill, everyone stripping layers off along the way.
Back to the B&B, quick shower and out for tea, which Peter and Alan had organised by pre-booking a pub in the village for all of us.
Food, drink, atmosphere and company was fab. We all had a great night. Alan, Derek and Mandy all fell asleep, they had had such an exciting day. And Raph got drunk
Next day, set off but had to pull over to don the waterproofs. It was going to be a wet day. Rode along some more stunning roads and arrived at the Silver Mines just as the rain stopped. Had a tour underground and look around overground. It was a good excursion.
And as is the usual HOC tradition we couldn't leave Wales without some food. Gary made us all proud with his giant burger. Raph found a friend and we all set off home. Boo hoo!!!!
Stopped a couple of times to give Brian a breather, rode through some really heavy showers and bright sunshine and arrived at Poplar for a farewell cuppa and our goodbye's. Gary as usual didn't let us down and had to have the obligatory cake.
What a really great week-end. Can't wait for the next HOC weekend away


Pictures (as always)

All ready and eager to go.
!Are we there yet Dad?" "No, son, now shut up and let me drive"
Does my bum look big in this?
First rest stop - yes, it's food time ! But not for Gary.
At last !
We arrive at the guest house.
Where Brian discovers he's left his legs behind and starts to crawl back to find them.
Then over to Devils Bridge (the one in Wales). Rafael seemed comfy on the back.
Once at the cafe, guess who found a friend...
And guess who found some food...
Then, a walk in the sunshine before dinner (Brian decided his bits needed an airing)
And of course, some more beer (strictly medicinal, of course). Notice Val is very thirsty - so a pint is called for.
Then, to the pub for dinner. Much merriment, yet more beers and a bit of sleeping. I see that Gary does have a tee shirt without a rude slogan....

Next day, somewhat subdued, we set off for the silver miles (Gary airing his bits today).
Once there, Mandy shows off her modelling prowess with a new hat - and Geoff hides his bits under his waterproofs.  The boys show off their headgear and try out posing for mens magazines
Then, back on the bikes and over to a cafe for lunch - where Rafael finds a new friend and Gary finds yet another big burger.
The last stop at Poplar 2000 - the end of a good weekend is never complete without food....