Birds of Prey

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Woke up this morning to the sound of rain sluicing down from the heavens. "Oops", I thought, "Not nice weather - probably not too many people out today - maybe 2 (Gary and me)". How wrong could I be on both counts.

After getting the bike out and answering a text  from Judy "Not coming out to play - weather has put us off", I set off for the rendezvous in full wet weather gear fully expecting to get wet. But the nearer I got, the lighter it became. I rode in to the start point just as the rain stopped. One biker (Kevin) was waiting and I saw 4 others (Gary, Peter, Brian and Mandy) in the petrol station. Not too bad. Then we had another two turn up (Neil and Steve & Sue).

After a quick breakfast stop, we set off over to Slaidburn and the backroads bia Bentham to Kirby Lonsdale. What a cracking road that is - we must do it again in the summer. There were too many leaves and small streams to take too many chances, but it was still very pleasant.

We had a brew at Devils Bridge and then carried on through Kendal and onto the A6 over Shap. One of my favourite roads and I made the most of the dry weather and sunshine - yes, it was now officially SUNNY!!!!

Then for the bad part. Gary missed the Birds of Prey turning so we all had to turn around. We went up to the gate only to find it was SHUT! "Closed due to Flooding" it said. Humph! Still, never mind - on to the Red Rooster for lunch - which Gary eventually found after yet another missed turning.

We had a splendid repast; Steve and Sue had a cracking Steak & Kidney pie which they said was the equal of the Ponderosa - high praise indeed. Then, into the sun over Kirkstone pass (very slowly - we forgot it was half-term and all the grandfathers would be out in their Morris Avengers and big slow Chelsea Tractors) and through Windermere back to the M6. Steve, Sue and Neil headed off down the A65 and the rest of us headed for Forton services for yet another brew stop before the last run for home.

So, a good day - no rain at all. So, to all of those who decided to stay in bed - maybe next time you will think again.....

Just a few pictures.

Stopping on the road from Slaidburn while Brian got the circulation back in his hands (less elastic around the wrists, Brian)
The view over the hills towards Ingleton - note the blue skies !!!
The crowds at Devils Bridge
Stopping at the Red Rooster
And of course, our favourite pastime - eating. In this case, watching Neil eating while we waited for ours.