Contact details

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These are the committee members

Name Position Phone Number Email address
Alan Sharkey Chairman & Web Master 07774 135599
Stephen Davenport Secretary 07968 810435
Gary Fisher Runs Co-ordinator 07932 058540
Andy Leigh Technical Advisor
Judy Mellor Social Secretary 07944 628505

 So, what does the committee do?

The Chairman's role is to keep everyone else on their toes. He makes sure that things happen. He also publishes this web site - so any questions about that, contact him.

The Secretary publishes letters in the Golden Wing and is also responsible for MANHOC membership. So, if you have any queries, please contact him.

Our runs co-ordinator plans and leads all our runs.

Our technical advisor is an expert on all matters mechanical. He used to be a mechanic for BSB so what he doesn't know isn't worth knowing. Email him any questions you may have.

Our social secretary plans all our weekends away and other social events.