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Yet another great ride. This club reigns supreme !!! Seriously, many thanks to Gary for finding a good route on a Bank Holiday Sunday. The plan was to ride to the power station, get some food and then get the bus tour (prebooked by Gary) at 1:30. As always, a plan only lasts until you execute it.

We had an early (for me) start at 9:30 and, as normal, set off at around 9:45. We had two new bikers joining us - so welcome Darren and Nigel. We had a total of 14 bikes and 3 pillions. The weather was OK - a bit cloudy in places but dry and warm (well, I thought it was warm, I did here Judy moan a bit about cold hands - until we told here where to put them). After about an hour or so, we stopped just outside Bala for a quick cuppa and a bun. As always, quick means around 30 mins - so we were late.... Never mind, we have plenty of time. 

At Bala, we turned right onto one of the nicest A roads in Wales - the A4212 - Good surface, , no traffic, nice sweeping bends and (if you have time to look) great views. After a slight detour due to a closed road and Gary losing his sense of direction, we headed up for "Electric Mountain" near Llanberis (an old haunt of mine when I used to go rock climbing - ah, the memories). Of course, by now we were very late and the lead group (we had got a bit split up) got there at 1:25. But no worries, Judy rushed in and got us booked onto the 2:30 bus. So we had plenty of time for lunch - or so we thought until we got to the cafe. NO pre-packed food - all pre-order and a queue that took about 20 minutes to disperse. Since it had taken us about 15 minutes to park up and 10 minutes to sort the tickets out, we had about 10 minutes to scoff down some cake and a quick drink. Brian and Mandy managed to grab a "Breakfast Bun" - we think they bribed the waitress.....

The tour itself was very interesting - I can recommend it as education and now, part of our heritage. But soon it as over and we wandered out to the bikes in search of petrol and a decent meal.

The petrol stop was soon accomplished (Mandy, your bike does about 40 miles on reserve, so you don't need to panic as soon as the light comes on !!!) and we set off for refreshments. Gary's idea was to stop when we got through Betws, but, as we all know, when he gets "in the mood", all thoughts of stopping are lost. So on we went - up hill, down dale, past pubs and cafes until AT LAST, he got the message (I think his radio is selectively deaf) and we stopped in this little village with a pub that had "locally produced food" on it. We all parked up and crammed into the pub. The landlord was very friendly and offered us a nice selection of food. The chicken curry was very popular, if a little hot for Karen's palate and we were soon tucking in to vast platefuls of home cooked food. How home cooked we learned later when the landlady came out to welcome us and tell us they opened the kitchens just for us - how nice. Comments, ribaldry and extra chips were flowing.

Then, on to the last part of the journey - home. A few more winding roads and then a sprint up the motorways. Gary looked after his sheep well - I saw him counting us in as we crossed the M6.

So, a very successful day. The buddy system worked well - even when we were miles apart, no one got lost. The radios worked well (apart from Gary's) and we had enough so that each group kept in touch.

And, of course, some pictures of the stops (one day, I must get a camera mount for the bike).

At the start - waiting for the latecomers while Ian shows the size of his box
Ah, here they come.
First stop - tea and refreshments welcome. The two Gary's are soon deep in conversation - in different groups (I think Gary is telling Mandy the best way to drink a cuppa).

The new boys don't seem to sure about us here - but they soon joined in.

Brian and Mandy compare cuppas while Gary F looks on enviously. Gary and Amy seem to be enjoying their tea.

Then, on to the Electric Mountain. Sadly, no cameras allowed inside - but we did have them before (eating) and after (group photos). So, this is where most of us parked - apart from the bikes which used a coach bay (OK that one was my fault - I saw a "5" in the bay and assumed it was for 5 bikes).
Here we have Ian showing Mandy the size of his box - huge it was - you can see she was impressed.
Gary and Judy were so happy to be here. So they decided to do the Thunderbirds Dance.
Then, into the cafe for food. Brian and Mandy waiting for theirs while the rest of us queued.
At last, theirs arrived and they tucked in. Meanwhile the rest of us had to suffer with cake.
Once done, we queued for the bus (Mandy borrowed my camera so I was in a shot).
The tour was very interesting - but no cameras allowed.... Apart from Gary who smuggled his on so we could have a group photo once we got off the bus - well done....
Then, back outside for another group photograph. As you can see, Karen and Judy were far too busy giggling to look our way.
But, we soon got them in order for a proper photo.
Gary had his angels for a quickie - but soon had some interference. At this point, he seems to have found a baby Angel - but I'm sure Amy will soon realise.....
Then, ready for the next part of the trip - Amy seems keen; she was suited up before any of the rest of us
Then, on to the pub - where food and drinks were soon flowing and the laughter rang out (and drove the locals outside). Amy waits patiently next to the breakfast bar while the others were less calm about it all. For some reason, John needed a pink flower.....
Geoff, as normal, tucks into his food.... while Judy just has the one chip (as normal).
Of course, Gary enjoys his food - but Karen finds hers a bit too hot.
This was the place - the Saracens Head in Llansannan.
And the girls express their gratitude in the classic manner.