Dudley Zoo

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What a scorcher of a day. We knew it would be hot but this was fantastic. Now read on !!!

We started off at Poplar as normal - 15 minutes late waiting for Steve and Sue! But that was OK, the weather was nice and Judy needed her McDonalds doughnut. I was pillioning Karen so that Geoff could "play" on his Daytona. So, I was back marker and had a nice time playing catchup.

So, off we set. We had a great ride down - not much traffic and where there was, it was easy to overtake. The buddy system worked well. I kept seeing Geoff and Brian on the corners - they were having fun and testing their overtaking abilities. But we are all a similar standard, so we knew what to expect. No stops - no mistakes - well done Gary.

Got down to the car park and eventually found a decent bike park area - complete with posts for the chains. Great. By this time, the temperature was in the high 20's. So, hats and suncream was in order (I had 50% OK). At the turnstiles, we managed to get a 20% discount for the group rate - which was nice. And in we went.

First thing was food. After a walk over and around, we found the cafe, go the food and consumed it. Not brilliant, but it sustained us. Then, a walk around looking at the animals and enjoying the sunshine.

At last we wandered back to the bikes for the journey home. I went off down the M40 and the others went home via more pubs. The ride back was pleasant via a lot of B roads (these seem to be the best) and also via 3 pubs before food was forthcoming. A late arrival home and ready for the next one.


And some pictures to liven the day! Thanks to Derek for some of these.

At the start.
Steve arrives and we set off.
We all park up. Note Malc and Val's Gold Wing on the end - you could fit my whole bike into the boot!
We all troop off to the zoo.
Where copious food is consumed - and coffee spilt.
There's always time for a gossip and a chat
The penguins were great fun - and I bet they thought the same about us
It does make you wonder who is looking at whom !
Occasionally we all need a rest!
I liked the giraffes and the tigers.
Here we have an escapee from the monkey house...
And two from the Primates House
Talk about "stating the bleedin' obvious"
It was time for Malc and Mandy to go and have a lie down.
While the mechanic finishes changing the tyres on the Gold Wing.
Meanwhile, back at the ice cream parlour, feet were getting an airing and Raphael was getting his oats
Geoff got a soaking and then we headed back to the bikes for the journey home.
At the pub for evening food. Some couples carried on - these were left.
But the last pub was good - they all arrived just before the food orders stopped. The garden was very pleasant.
Drinks and food eventually turned up and was scoffed in quick order.
Where's mine? Ahh - there it is !