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Not so much of a ride report to day as a ride and walk report (as you will see below).

Bit cloudy overhead as we started out for the meeting point - but not too bad. I had Tom & Tanya "in tow" as they had been up for the weekend and were heading back to the Cotswolds. We arrived, filled up and met the Manhoc "crew". By the time we were ready to go, we had 19 bikes and 4 pillions. Yet another good day looming!!!

We set off and, for once, had a great run down to the first stop. No delays anywhere. We all got through traffic lights at the same time, there were no hold-ups on roundabouts and there were very few cars. So, we quickly got into a "flow" and made good progress down to the Midway cafe. After a brief stop for coffee and cakes, we headed down to Hawkstone Follies for a nice walk. The car park was a bit iffy - gravel and dirt, but no incidents and we were soon at the pay counter. "Any discounts for 23 people?" I asked. "Oh, I am sure we can do something" came the answer. 20% was the result. Not bad.

SO, the walk began. Those that read the web site realised that it could take up to 3 hours to go round the Follies. The others soon learned. And, while it was still cloudy, it was quite warm. Poor Peter had is thermals on (Peter, April in the UK is normally warm...) and the others soon stripped down to leather trousers and tee shirts.

We spend a happy 3 hours wandering around, climbing monuments, visiting caves and generally acting like we were enjoying ourselves. The "refreshments" at the top of the Follies was a bit of a joke - one Coke machine (£1 a time) and that was it. Then back to the cafe for food. Only we were a bit late and there wasn't much left (not even for Gary). So, we lazed around a bit more and then meandered back to the bikes for the rest of the journey.

Another short ride down to a pub (who were very surprised to see a horde of bikers invading - but coped) where fresh drinks were imbibed. Looked outside and it was starting to rain. So, we pulled on the wet weather gear and did the last part of the journey in the pouring rain. But never mind.

It was another good ride for Manhoc - different in that we didn't travel very far, but I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

Pictures (as always) to illustrate our day out (thanks to Brian and Karen who supplied some of them):

At the start. Breakfast for some. Chatting for all.

'Ere - who's nicked my camera?
Malc arrives, drops off Val and disappears again
Then a ride (no pics) followed by arrving at Hawkstone Follies (note the floor we rode in on). Malc gave Val a hand to take her clothes off.

All set, walking up to the entrance (note - they are all still wearing their jackets)
We found some stocks and decided that someone had better try them. Mike and Judy decided to help!
Then, more walking up to the big Urn (note - the jackets are coming off)
Then, even more walking up to the White Tower (which isn't). By this time, John needed a sit down.
Onwards and Upwards came the cry. So we did - to the Monument - where we found people ahead of us. But we rushed (ha ha) up the 130 steps to the top where the views were magnificent.

Ooh - that bridge looks difficult.
As we carried on walking (and sitting), I carried on snapping. I leave these pictures to your imagination (So, what is Mark thinking as Mike is sat there). Malc and Val seem happy - what did they get up to in that cave?

We aren't really lost - it just looks like it (well, Gary is involved, so anything could happen)
Hide and Seek works best when the pole is wider than the people behind it.
Judy looks for a quick exit
Then, back to the cafe where Phil decided his feet needed airing (which is why no one is nearby). Tania was declared "Packhorse of the moment" and Tom was suitably apologetic (which means not a lot).
Then, on to the last pub stop of the day - note the happy people now they are sat down with a drink,