Medway Cafe

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Our last official ride of the year. After the rain, snow and gales of yesterday, I was expecting the worst. But, I woke up and it was not raining! And it was a balmy 8c. Oh goody - so off we go to meet the others.

I arrived about 5 minutes before the off to find only another 3 bikes. Hum, I thought, not a brilliant turnout - in fact, the worst all year. Then, when I had stopped and chatted, another 4 bikes turned up. So we had a good number for this time of year.

We set off (only 15 mins late thanks to John's hangover) along horrible greasy,. leaf covered roads - OK, the main A50, but I think you get the idea. We did the normal Gary route over to the cafe - with everyone else wondering where we were going and Gary enjoying himself at the front. The run was uneventful apart from Paul's bike's ability to stop just when it was not supposed to. He blamed (eventually), a fuel filter problem - all we knew was we kept losing him.

We got the cafe and immediately parked next door at the Raven where the food, apparently, is much better and (more importantly), the parking is free. Lunch was soon forthcoming - or for most of us, a large breakfast. Geoff outdid everyone with his GIANT helping (see below). After some gallivanting over Gary's apple pie, we set off home.

The weather held off - on fact, we got sunshine on the way home and it was a nice ride to end the year.

A few photos:

At the start. Just the 4 bikes then?
Nope - the others are arriving.
Until at the end, we have the full complement of 8 bikes and 9 people.
Parking at the Raven cafe.
Once inside, Geoff goes straight for the BIG breakfast (I don't think Karen feeds him enough)
The rest of us have normal sized meals.
Gary ( the other one) decides he wants a table all to himself
Meanwhile, Gary F gets some afters and John decides he needs to share it - much to the amazement of the other patrons.