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TOday was the day for the Sherwood Forest ride. We had done a recce the week before so we knew what the food was going to be like (good). An early start meant I had to be there for around 9:30 (I like to relax before we go off). I was not the first there ! By the time we left at around 10:15, there were 18 bikes with us (and 3 pillions). We had a really good run - averaged over 40-mph for the first part and only got lost once (not Gary's fault this time - a marker decided to move off before the last group came around).

The first quick stop was at a pub which had a cracking carvery - shame we had planned to eat later on. But we know for next time. By 1:15 we were at the Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre and, after a quick chat, were soon queuing for the food. "How many in the group?" I was asked by the catering manager. "21" I replied. "Who's your leader?" she asked". I pointed at Gary. "OK - then he's entitled to a free meal". Well, Gary was astounded - but never one to resist free food, he soon piled his tray with the carvery, a sweet and a drink. The rest of us mortals had to pay (but it was excellent value).

Once done, we wandered around for a while, got Brian and Rafael into the stocks (I've had Lamb stock, but never Brian stock) and set off back. After a brief fuel stop or two and a drink at the Snake Pass Inn (where we met a potential new member - welcome Peter), we ended up back at Chez Nous (OK - Alan's house) where more food was consumed and we found Garys limits.

Overall, a superb day - probably the best ride of the year so far. To round it off - some pictures (as always):

At the start - waiting for everyone to turn up - which they did eventually.
The first stop - notice the empty car park. No idea why, the food looked great. Maybe we were early?
Then onto our destination. Look where we all parked (or was it abandoned) our bikes.
Then, into the restaurant where much food was consumed. Gary's tray was full - the rest of us had normal sized meals. By the end, we had all finished and guess who was still eating....

Then, outside for a wander around. Even Rafael got in on the act pretending to be one of Garys Angels ("What's this hard thing I'm feeling" says Karen - "Just my helmet" says Gary).
Then a group photo - with a small knee fondle thrown in....
Then, around the museum where we could try out the stocks. Only one person (and a lamb) was brave enough to try it. We did let him out - only for him to stick his head in another hole (I think he was still hungry)
Once that was done, we felt the need for icecreams.
Then, back on the bikes and off to the Snake Pass Inn for a drink.
Judy said "Have I got any moss on me from sitting on this bench". "No idea", I said, "Turn around and show me". So she did !!!!
The last part of the ride was back along snake pass and the motorway to our house. Norma had cooked a large chicken pie which was all eaten up.
But we did find Garys limits - the had to leave some of his seconds.