Sizergh Castle

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The run that turned into a fun ride (or not, depending on your outlook).

We all assembled on what was turning out to be a very nice warm October Sunday. By the time we were ready to go, we had 16 bikes (including two newbies) and 6 pillions. Not a record, but a very good turnout. So, we set off and headed up to the A65 to get to the first stop (Devils Bridge was the plan). However, at the A65 junctin, the police were turning all the cars (and bikes) down a back road to Slaidburn since there had been an accident further up the road. This was causing absolute chaos - the road was a single track lane in places and the traffic was snarled up for about 3 miles. It took us the best part of an hour to get past it all, by which time we were severely split up - so much so that the radios didn't work. So, we had one person who went the wrong way (it was one of the newcomers and I think he followed the wrong group of bikers), several who got to a pub car park to wait for the rest and a group that carried on to Slaidburn.

So, it was around 12:30 by the time we all (apart from one) got back together again. After a brew to calm down, we abandoned hope of getting to Sizergh Castle and decided to head over to Ingleton by a back road for some lunch. This worked well and got some nice comments from the riders about the route.

After a leisurely lunch (is there any other kind?), we headed over to Hawes and down another back road to Kettlewell intending on going to Bolton Castle for another brew. However, at the A59, Malcolm decided to go home (he had told us this) and another 5 bikes decided to follow him. So, with others leaving early, we were down to 5 bikes for the last part of the run (which from 16 that started, is quite a drop off).

But the brew was pleasant, the rain held off (just) and in the end, it was a nice day out.

A few pictures - I didn't take too many.

At the start - you can see the bikes and people (including the two new ones)
I managed to snap a few late arrivals
Then, no more piccies until Ingleton - note the careful parking by the recycling bins
John decided to show us his ancestry - while Brian stayed behind to check his bike.
Into the cafe, and Gary has his cake - and doesn't eat it. What could be wrong?
Manwhile, Mandy tucks into hers - and shows us all what to do with a good sausage!!!