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A quick write up on our ride out to the Stafford Classic bike show. Gary couldn't make it - so Brian led the way - and we didn't make any wrong turns (at least any that Brian admitted to !!

Anyway, starting at the beginning. We met up at Poplar at 9:30 - far too early really, but we are keen! We set off a bit late (Phil, where were you?) but were soon motoring along the back roads (at a sedate average of 36mph) doing a nice route that Brian found. The buddy system worked well (as it should by now) and we soon arrived at the showground.

We then split up for a few hours looking for bargains. John came back with a battery charger, Geoff came back with a hat and Malc and Val ended up with matching shades. Then we had a steady ride back up the A50 to a brilliant pub with a garden and matching sunshine (yes, it was hot and sunny). After a short drink, plus John showing how to line dance in mid air, we headed off for home.

Another good day out - seems to be the "norm" for Manhoc.... A few pictures:

The start. Waiting around still means we are happy and have a laugh.
Once at the show, we parked up - luckily it was a dry day.... John and Judy went rummaging for their sarnies.
Then, into the show - first stop was lunch (and in Derek's case, a quick snooze)
The show was crowded! But there was a lot to see.
Mark and I went off to get some earplugs made up. I had the camera - so you only see Mark (and his purple ear)
We arranged to meet by the gate - when I got there Malcolm was tucking into his yoghurt. Note the silver teaspoon and, of course, matching sunglasses ("2 for a fiver mate ! Can't do fairer than that!").

Once we got back to the bikes, Geoff was keen to show off his cowboy hat.

Then, off to the pub (the Drovers) for a well earned pint or two. We lined the bikes up and then wandered into the garden to await the beers.
Ahh yes, here they come.
And John provided the entertainment by performing the Russian Polka dance in mid air ("The hat drove me to it, M'lud").