Around the Lakes

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It promised to be a lovely day out - and so it was. We all met up at the McDonalds meeting place - I turned up early and there were already 6 bikes there. In the end we had 16 bikes (including 3 new people, welcome all) and 4 pillions.

About 10 minutes late, we set off and headed for the Trough of Bowland for a little play before heading over to Devils bridge for a brew. Gary found us some nice roads (no, Steve, they were not goat tracks!) and we encountered very little traffic. Great!!!

Once past Devils bridge and a quick brew, we shot off up to Bowness for lunch. Parking was "interesting" for some. They managed to find a downhill gravel car park - luckily we only had one spill - and he had crash bars, so no damage. The rest of us went a bit further up the road and found some flat tarmac.

Lunch was a pleasant affair - some went off to find the fish & chips and the rest headed for the pub and a good helping from the carvery. Gary's diet suffered a bit, but it was in a good cause.

Once lunch was done, we kitted up and headed off over Kirkstone pass (stopping for the obligatory photo) to Penrith and the road over Shap. Ahh. lovely, my favourite road. I did have to go round the M6 roundabout a couple of times to rescue some of the group who missed the turn, but no harm done and the radios came in very handy. And so, back down the A65 to a pub in Long Melton for a last brew.

Now, when I say to Gary that you go left out of the pub and next right, what I don't mean is to turn into someones front garden. But he managed it all the same - and some of the group followed - just like true sheep should do. But we soon re-organised and shot down some nice back roads to Clitheroe and home.

So, another successful ride - pictures here. Some pictures are from Derek.

People arriving.

And popping into Mc D to relax. Judy decided to relax on Derek and Neil !
Then over to Devils Bridge for a welcome ice cream. Note how much Tony is enjoying his one...

Once at Bowness, we had the gravel car park and the tarmac one - which would you like! Some of the crowd chose the gravel one and then stood around and watched the antics.
I then gave my camera to Malcolm - was this a mistake? He managed to avoid taking too many of me!

But I got a nice one of him.
After the others came back from the chip shop, Tony and Raph decided to go boating.
While the rest of us stood around and chatted (as you do).
We set off again and stopped at the top of Kirkstone pass for a quick group photo. Neil had popped to the loo and Mark was off in a world of his own, so they missed out! The last picture here is of the road we had just come up - lovely....
A quick petrol stop for those that needed it.
Then, on to the last stop of the day.