We all met up in the obvious place - the bar - ready for battle to
commence. No one was late although Phil and Helen cut it a bit fine
We divided into our teams which had been previously sorted by John
picking them out of the hat
Team 1
Geoff Dutton, Karen Hoxworth, Andy Smith, Alan Smith, Jude Mellor
Team 2
Gary Fisher, John Hodson, Lyn Dutton, Geoff Hoxworth, Val + honorary
member Raph
Team 3
Mel Smith, Karen Smith, Phil Jinks, Helen, Malc Lunn, Tommy Barrett
We all bowled our little hearts out and finished the 1st round
Scores were: T1 = 466, T2 = 442, T3 = 425
Then we stopped for tea which had been previously ordered and
consumed copious amounts of burgers and pizzas as there were 3-4
extra meals served up extra to what was ordered.
This made the usual hungry horaces - (Gary, John and Geoff Hox very
happy and content)
We then continued onto our 2nd Game of bowling with renewed
enthusiasm now we were all fed and watered.
2nd round scores were: T1 = 374, T2 = 491, T3 = 610
Final results after averaging the results (T3 had 6 members) were:
T1 = 840, T2 = 933, T3
= 860
Team 2 were the overall winners and were presented with their
certificates and team photos were taken.
The best lady and gent were:
Val with a score of 228
Tommy with a score of 252
It was a really great evening and thank you to all who came along
and joined in the fun
Hopefully we will do it again