Cars of the Stars

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Woke up to heavy cloudy skies, a wet ground and high winds. Ahh, a perfect Manhoc ride, I thought. But at least it wasn't raining. So, off I go to the start point and manage to get there just as Gary and Derek were arriving. (which is unusual for me). After some banter and a cup of warming brew we ended up with 10 bikes with 2 pillions including Neil on his brand new CB1000R and Bob out on his Gold Wing.

We set off - I rushed ahead to get some early shots from a roundabout - and quickly got into a good rhythm  using the buddy system. [It really does work if everyone pays attention]. After about 20 minutes I realised by intercom wire had come out so I was oblivious to what they were all saying. We wandered across dale and down winding (wet and salty) roads until we arrived at our destination - Keswick - 3 hours later. Yes, Gary had got his riding hat on and forgotten to stop. But, apart from a few numb bums, we all seemed OK.

We all parked up - some in proper bike areas and, when that was full, the rest of us all fitted into 2 car bays. This was a mistake, as you will see later. But we didn't know this, so we toddled off to find some food. The restaurant we found was great - room for all of us and the food was good. Bob made the mistake of ordering 2 courses which made the rest of the people on his table have to wait ages for their main course. Gary did it the right way round and had pudding.

Once all that was over we headed for the "Cars of the Stars" exhibition. Well, what a let down. I'm sorry, but I cannot recommend this at all. The cars were nice, but there was very little information and after 10 minutes we had seen it all.

So we came out and consoled ourselves by visiting the chocolate shop recommended by Judy. Which was very nice!

Then back to the car park. Where we had our big shock. Those of us (yes, me included) who had parked in the car bays had been given parking tickets. Not very nice. A "discussion" ensued, including some passerbys, who told us what they had seen (attendants with cameras descending on us the moment we left the car park) and some very pissed off bikers left the car park.....

The "state" was very evident when, at the first junction, the second man who was waiting set off too early and 4 bikes shot past. Luckily we have radios and were quickly in contact with John (last man) who was able to catch the others and guide them back onto the correct route. Once that was sorted, we all settled down and had a pleasant ride back home - we came back over the Shap and the A6 which I love.

So, not one of our best days out, but the actual riding was good and, of course, the company was excellent. So, some photos to keep you amused.

At the start, Bob arrives on his Wing.
Inside, we sat down to some hot drinks (thanks Gary) until "New Image" Neil arrived.
Then, back outside to admire his new CB1000R - complete with Top Box. While there, the rest of the bikes arrived.
Then off and I went ahead to capture these shots. We have Gary (doing his buddying), Tommy on his Bandit 650 and Pete on his Triumph (notice the lack of knee down style).
Then, the two wings (Malc and Bob), closely followed by the Suzuki of Gary and Neil on his CB1000R and lastly the two tail enders - Derek on his Pan and John & Judy on the FJR.
Got to the car park and this is how we parked up.
Then off for food. The cafe was very pleasant and the waitresses friendly, even with the normal Manhoc banter.
By the time pudding came, Gary had an audience!
Then, outside for photos.
After going into cars of the stars "No cameras allowed",
we had to recover with some chocolate. Gary got s sheep as a present, which Derek found very amusing.