HOC Roast

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[Report by Steve D - many thanks]

It’ a nice start to the day, suns out and still a bit cool, good biking weather. A couple of people are already at the start when I got there so a good turn out was hoped for and I was not to be disappointed.

As we had a little time before we set off I took the chance to have a ride of Geoff’s new BMW 1200 Adventurer. A very tall motorcycle not for the short of leg, though I must say a very nice bike to ride with a commanding view of the road in front and surprisingly good in the corners. I might have to try a ride on a Varadero.

By the time I got back to the meeting point all that were going had turned up, so we had 10 bikes and 3 pillions.

A good start was made and everyone stayed nicely together so it meant we could make a good pace and have some fun. The roads through Whalley over towards Hillifield and then through Gargrave did not disappoint, dry and mostly free of traffic. Then an aesthetically pleasing ride by the side of a lake, possibly a reservoir I am not sure which to arrive at the gorge. Sue was a bit apprehensive as you have to cross a very high bridge over the gorge to get to the café where dinner was arranged, she does not like heights, little did she know.

The café had done us proud and tables were reserved for our club. Dinner was very good and reasonably priced and we had a couple from a branch that had made it over from the east, thanks for joining us.

After dinner a few decided to venture into the gorge. This was great fun and Gary, Graham and I managed to get quite far down the side of the river, which is not easy in one piece leathers. Sue was a bit nervous over a couple of the bridges as they are very narrow, a bit high and move quite a lot, especially when you have a Muppet on each end bouncing about. Sorry Sue but Graham was my partner in crime. Then came the tunnel to get out only about 80 meters long but quite wet and pitch black in the middle, needless to say you get to know some of your friends quite well as they tend to walk into you as you get to the narrow tight areas, thanks for the complement Gary, I will let you explain.

As the day was still young when the walk was over it was decided we would head home via Hawes. Another Spirited ride was to be had over some more great roads until I decided to stop short of Hawes and go to a pub whose car park you use to visit Aysgarth Falls. I stopped here to show the club an odd site. In the car park is the original War Carriage from the start of the Gladiator movie, don’t know why they chose to put it in an out of the way pub car park but if passing is well worth a quick look. As all had got off their bikes it was decided to stop for a pint.

After a nice cool pint in the now warm sunshine it was time for the last leg and home. We all stayed together and observed all the speed limits over yet more great roads, until it was time for waves of goodbye as people made there own way home. Another great ManHoc ride out, and I managed not to loose anybody, thank’s to all who came.

Some pictures (thanks Derek)

At the start
Once we got there, the bikes were abandoned....
And we wandered around until we found the lunch area
Where we sat down to enjoy the repast.
Then, back outside for some more sitting around.
Until it was time to move onto another pub
For some more sitting around !