Laurel & Hardy

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The day started well. Weather was fine and I set off with all the right intentions - and the wrong destination in mind. Yes, I ended up at the wrong meeting point and had to make a mad dash for the right one! Luckily, everyone was kind and waited for me. In fact, no one was actually ready to go so I didn't feel quite so bad.

When I got there, I found a sea of bikes - a very popular time to ride.... And so we set off. At which point, we immediately lost Tommy, who had gone to fill up as we left. Oops ! [Actually, he was very good and caught us up before we got to the museum.]

A very nice route was found by Gary over to Slaidburn and then up to Devils Bridge where we stopped for a quick brew. Then over the M6 and on towards Ulverston, our destination. However, the first turn off was missed by a couple of riders so Derek and I shot off to guide them back and along the correct route - thank goodness for radios so we could tell the others what we were up to. That was soon rectified, by this time, Tommy had rejoined us and we all headed for the village.

Now, us back markers clearly saw the signs to the museum - but Gary had his riding head on and just kept going. So, we split into two groups - one going right and one going straight on. Another "oops".... But we soon found ourselves together again and, after riding three times around the one-way system, parked up and headed to see what Laurel and Hardy were up to.

The museum was fascinating. They had continuous films running and displays which would take hours to go around. It was great - but food was calling so we headed out to the nearest pub for some lunch. Lovely!

Then, time to head for home. By this time it was getting late, so a couple shot off down the M6 and the rest of us meandered back down the A65. Another nice day out.

And, so to some piccies - some courtesy of Derek.

At the start. As you can see, no-one was ready to go.
Judy gave John a telling off after John hid her crash helmet, while Geoff seemed to be having a glove sale !!!
Once at Devils bridge, the drinks were much appreciated - Geoff was on a diet, so he had to stick to ice cream. Karen found a new friend!
A group photo so show who was there (not Tommy!)
Then, on the Ulverston. Some of us arrived earlier than others - but they all straggled in eventually.

A quick fag before we went in - and then in to watch the film.
Once done, we wandered around and tried out the exhibits!
The hats nearly fitted - and Tony found a new friend.
Then, another group photo - but where is Geoff? Ah, here he comes now.
And so to food. The carvery was great - some people just pigged out.
Gary had to have a sweet - and so we all helped him.