Sunday promised to be a grand day - and so it was.....
It started out cloudy as Norma and I headed for the meeting point. We arrived
to find 4 other bikes there and we were the last (oops). Quick call to John to
find he was not going out to play but never mind. We had two new people
join us; Peter on a VFR and John on a BMW 1200. Gary and Derek H were the other
So, we set off over the twisty roads to Leyburn. The first part was OK as we
travelled up towards Colne and it just got better the further we went. We turned
up the Kettlewell road, overtook one white van and zoomed off into the distance.
Pately Bridge soon came and went and we then moved onto really minor roads
(Derek called them something else) to cut over towards Leyburn.
A nice stop in a Bistro for lunch and a chat was followed by the classic
route over to Hawes and down the back road to Settle. It was wonderfully quiet
so we were able to "make progress". We then stopped for another chat and some
afternoon tea and scones followed by a last run over the back roads to Clitheroe
and home.
The weather was sunny all the way around and the roads were empty -
what more could we have asked for. Around 180 miles of pure fun! Thanks all.
Only 3 pictures - it wasn't that sort of a day.