The weather forecast suggested that it would be a good day today, and for
once the got it spot on. I opened the curtains to a glorious blue sky and 10c
warm (it got wamer later on).
We set off and got to Haslingden by 10:30. There were already a few bikes
there and more rolled in until we had 14 bikes and 3 pillions. Not bad for a
February run. Once we were all kitted up (Val taking the longest to wire herself
to the bike) we set off - when I discovered my helmet wasn't done up [I blame
Gary whow anted to check his intercom before we started]. Still, no matter, I
soon caught them up - it's surprising how fast an FJR will cruise when you want
it to....
We found some great roads round the Trough and Forest of Bowland and
eventually ended up at Slaidburn where bacon butties, cakes and drinks were soon
consumed. Suitably refreshed, we carried on round to Gisburn and onto the M65
back to our house for pancakes (I zoomed off ahead to get some snaps)
Norma and I had prepared some chilli and pancake mix and we we walked through
the door, you could smell the chilli - lovely. More drinks were served and the
food digested. A few hardened souls went next door to watch the football - the
rest of us chatted for a while before everyone went - some with chilli and rice
in their topboxes (yes, we had made far too much).
A great day out - in spite of the odd slide over the gravelly roads. So, of
course, some pictures.