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These are the scattered ramblings of your beloved chairman....

We are a social club. We all have other lives to lead, so bikes are not the centre of our universe. However, we do all like bikes, love riding them and enjoy each others company. If you feel that is you too, then you will be most welcome.


bulletOur rideouts are strictly social affairs. We tend to go places that have some meaning - such as historic castles, seaside towns, race meetings etc. We don't just "go for a ride" and end up back where we started. We like our rides to be remembered.
bulletYou should have a vehicle (bike or scooter) capable of cruising at the national speed limits. That way, you know you can keep up.
bulletOur rideouts always start from some form of services. Why?
bulletThere will be a convenient loo nearby
bulletThere will generally be a petrol station to fill up at
bulletThere will be somewhere to shelter if it is raining before we start
bulletThe early birds can get something to eat while they wait.
bulletOur rideouts have plenty of stops. A few reasons for this:
bulletPillions tend to get bored and fidgety after about an hour.
bulletThere will always be someone who needs a loo stop.
bulletThere will always be at least one person (normally more) who would like a coffee break.
bulletWe tend to obey the speed limits in 30's, 40's and 50's. The reasons should be obvious to all - if not, then you shouldn't be on our rides.
bulletWe tend to "make progress" on motorways if it is safe to do so.
bulletMotorway riding is boring, but essential sometimes so lets get it over and done with quickly.
bulletWe NEVER ride more than 15 mph (as measured by my GPS) over the speed limit on motorways. If there are a lot of us, we will slow down.
bulletWe do NOT do (or condone) wheelies, stoppies or other juvenile practices. You are welcome to join us, but please act according to our philosophies.
bulletWe always use the "Buddy" system. If you don't know what that is, ask someone - or look on the pages here. But we do expect you do know and conform to it.
bulletWe do split into smaller groups when we stop. That is because we are normally eating or drinking and you can never get one table big enough. We are not ignoring anybody. Just join in and you will find out how friendly we are.

Club night

bulletClub nights tend to be noisy affairs. We meet in  the bar of a hotel and the acoustics are awful. So, we will split up into small groups to talk (unless the chairman has something to say!). If you are new, please make an effort to join in - you will find us friendly with (generally) lots to say.
bulletThere are some smokers amongst us. They do tend to all sit up one end and smoke - but please make allowances for this. Your clothes will smell of smoke at the end of the night - this is not their fault, it's years of smoking which has got into the fabric of the room.
bulletClub nights start at around 8:30. If you get there earlier, please be patient - we will be there soon. Meanwhile, there are free papers to read.
bulletChat is not always about motorcycles. But, if you want to know something or feel you have some comments to make, please do so. You will get informed and creative answers.