Sally Army run

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Another superb day out by Manhoc and also most of Manchester. I don't know what happened, but I have not seen that many bikes in one place for many years. We (Norma and I) arrived around 9:45 to find the place half full - and before we set off at 11 o'clock, the place was heaving and the overflow car park was getting full. Must have been getting on for 600+ bikes there - maybe even 1000. Manhoc had 18 people attend, so thank you everyone.

After a queue for the bacon butties, chatting with various folks we hadn't seen for ages, we all trooped back to the bikes and waited to set off. And waited. And waited. Eventually, the way cleared and we all crawled out. After a brief detour round to On-Ya-Byke, we headed out for Deansgate and all points South to end up at the Trafford Centre. The ride was good, everyone seemed in good cheer, the marshalling worked well (only had a couple of cars trying to force their way in) and no one got lost. The obligatory scooter breakdown, of course, but that is only to be expected (he he).

Once at the Trafford Centre, we handed over the pressies and went round to the cafe for a drink. John insisted on having some flakes with his coffee and (as you can see below) he didn't want to share them. But he did in the end.

Then we rode over to Rivvy Barn for more refreshments and finally back home (via a motorcycle shop for some retail therapy). So, a good day out. The bad weather kept away and the company was excellent . Some pictures below, courtesy of Alan & Judy.


At the start - various pictures of people arriving and hanging around.

I'd love to know what Kim found so funny - unless it was Peter in his Father Christmas outfit
Then, off we go. One wonders what Jen was looking at? Bob was just hamming it for the camera!
I really need to know how Judy did this photo...
More pics as we ride - note how casual I am....
Yet more pics of the actual ride.
Then we arrive at the Trafford Centre and find it a bit crowded. But after some silly hats (thanks Derek), we go in.
Coffee is most welcome but John tries to hide his flake from Gary. It doesn't work and the flake ends up a bit wet.
Once all that is sorted, we shoot off to Rivvy barn where John gets his own back. Gary sulks!