Scotland - Pics

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At the start, watching everyone come in
Then, standing around waiting for any others (Geoff, late as normal). Judy had to get some food (it was for John, she said).
Raphael had pride of place on Ian's Gold Wing - that is, until Val found a new home for him.
Then, on to Devils Bridge, where a necessary food stop was required (do you get the impression that Manhoc members like to eat?).

Note the caravans in the background of the last picture. They caused no end of queues....

Then, onto the Red Rooster for lunch and a quick scan of the map to check the revised route.
The next stop was the petrol station waiting for the second group and Mark to turn up. Peter seemed very pleased when Ian turned up - we didn't ask why! Mel took time to grab some rays.
The rest of us just meandered around and chatted.
Finally the last man turned up and we could set off again - eventually.
At last - the hotel and a small beer or two.
And a wander across the road to look at the village and the sea.
With a beer or two (in Kevins case), of course....
At one point, we had to go and inspect each others rooms - and look who I found ... [Note that Raphael has his own bed]
But, then back out again and more promenading along the water front (or in Judy's case, just posing!)
More drinks and posing. At one point, Paul complained of being hot - so John cooled him down.
Notice Karen and Judy still up in the bedroom getting "ready".
Finally, they were ready and came out to join in the fun. Mel's glass was empty, so it must be time for tea ! But not before another beer (thanks Paul).

Inside the restaurant, much perusal of the menus.
And another refill while we are waiting.
Raphael seemed to enjoy himself. Finished off his beer, decided that snorting salt probably wasn't the best idea and decided to see what Judy was wearing underneath her blouse.

The food was great.
And the band played on!
While we carried on having fun.
Then, outside to cool off and take some nice photos.
And over to another bar for a final drink (or two). By this time, Geoff was getting "tired and emotional".

Next morning a few hardy souls (OK, Andy, Karen and Mel) got up and wandered over to the cliffs for some photos while the rest of us were still asleep.
Eventually, some of us turned out - and we could see Karen doing her hair.
Then, breakfast - which was too much for one person.
So, the journey home begins and it was wet. Sweetheart Abbey looked nice, but we decided that home was called for - after some food, of course.