This page contains pictures of members bikes. Click on the picture for a full
size image. Click on the "Previous" button to see what we used to ride.
The Chairmans FJR. Nice new one for 2007. Also has a Suzuki
GT750 being restored. And lastly, his brand new (for 2009) CB1300.
Malcolm and Val bought themselves a Goldwing. I think they
are pleased !
Norma now has a lovely CBF1000 to play with. Here you can
also see our three main bikes lined up in the sunshine.
This Gary - our Runs Co-ordinator - he now has a very smart
John came by on his new Fireblade. Plus he just bought
an FJR (traded in his VFR). So, this is him arriving at mine for a cuppa,
looking happy and backing out (where he nearly dropped it!).
Steve on his Blackbird with Jim and his Kawasaki ZZR1100 in
the background.
Geoff & Karen's CBX 550. Also see the misc
page for the CBX 500 club rules. Geoff has Triumph Sprint ST and has also
got a Daytona. Recently he was bought an original Speed Triple as he
obviously loves Triumphs.
Andy, our technical advisor, has a very tidy V-Max.
This was Ian on his Valkyrie. He now has a nice new Gold
Paul has a very nice VFR750. One of the original fast ones.