Saturday - and we are discussing the water pouring into the study - when a
text arrives from Keith. "Are we having a picnic tomorrow?" What a good idea.
So, an email to the world and Norma and I get some grub together.
Sunday dawns and the weather is cloudy - but not actually raining. So, we tog
up and head off for the rendezvous, leaving the study to dry off with the
central heating. We arrive to find quite a few already there and pop into
MacDonalds for a coffee. By the time we are ready to leave, there are 8 bikes
and 5 pillions, a good number. We also had 6 bikes with radios so the
banter lvel was high (so who was the "Roger from the back" that I kept hearing
Off we set and, of course, down comes the rain. Ugh. But never mind, the
forecast is for good weather so we plough on. The roads were superb, if a bit
wet in places and we soon made good progress over the back roads to Slaidburn,
then onto the A65 and our first tea stop at Waterford Mill just outside Settle.
Here, tea and cakes were consumed and the girls wandered off for a bit of
shopping (as girls do!). Then, it was back on the bikes and on to Hawes and
beyond until we finally arrived at Barnard Castle. But where was the actual
castle itself? No one seemed to know and there were no signs. But after
traversing the town 3 times, we eventually found it (and had some good U-turn
practice whilst doing so).
We parked up as the sun came out and warmed us nicely. And who should turn up
but Alan Rogerson on his Tiger. He'd missed us at the start but came anyway. So,
picnic time. Keith & Sam had some, Dave & Sheila had some, myself & Norma had
some - the rest wandered off to Greggs for pasties. And then, when they came
back, they tucked in to what was left of ours (lots of course, Norma always
packs for an army).
Once food was consumed, some of us went into the castle to have a look
around, the rest just lazed on the grass enjoying the rays. About 40 minutes
later, we came out, sat and chatted for a while and then, because we are bike
club, decided that maybe it was time to go riding again. Which we did. Apart
from Pauls visor coming loose, no incidents to report, just good empty winding
roads that we could enjoy. We did the classic Rochmond - Leyburn - Kettlewell
road and stopped off at a pub garden for a final drink. Then, the last ride down
the A59, over Sabden and back to the starting point where we said our goodbyes.
A cracking ride today - everyone seemed to think so. And here are some nice
pictures for the memories (Thanks to Jean for some of them):
Starting off - not brilliant weather. Notice the rubbish man looking
at Phils bike. |
Then on to the Mill for refreshments. Once again, Manhoc lived up to
it's reputation - lots of cakes and buckets of coffee. Outside, it still
was not good. |
Back on the road, we stopped for a picture at the top - look at the
clouds! But from then on, it just got better. |
Jean took some pics while we were on the move - then her battery ran
out. |
Finally, we arrived at Barnard Castle. Where, as you can see, we
relaxed after a good ride over nice roads. |
Inside the castle, we explored. Keith did his Titanic impression and
Norma just looked sultry. |
Sam looking pensive "Shall I?" |
Keith deciding that he is a bit hot - and you can see why! |
On the way back we stopped for petrol. Just as well we did, Bobs
bike does 130 miles to a tankful (he says) and we stopped at 122 miles.
By this time, Jeans camera had recovered. |
So, she took some more. |
Last stop on the way home. Very welcome - but we soon had to
continue. |