Jeans Soiree

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"The weather looks nice, lets have a ride on Sunday" I boldly announced on Thursday. Friday, I get an email from Jean - "I've got one organised". Great stuff, saves me having to think about it. So, I pass on the starting details and work out how to get to Jeans place. Not too hard, very close to our Northern office.

Sunday morning arrives - lovely day. So, out with the bike and after filling up at Tescos, I scamper across the motorways to Warrington. Turn the corner into the road and there is a whole gaggle of bikes just abandoned outside Jeans house. I think I was the last one and I counted around 19 bikes - that's better than most Manhoc rides this year!! I got off and was greeted with a cup of tea and a tea-cake. Lovely. We all chatted and introduced ourselves. Turns out Jean had asked not one but THREE bike clubs around. Still we all seemed to get on OK.

The plan was a nice ride along country lanes to Southport, with Gary leading, Neil at the back and the rest obeying the buddy system. As with all plans, it only survived the execution by around 10 minutes. One rider  (who shall remain nameless) missed one of the markers and went sailing up the A580. Neil gave chase (after telling me over the radio) but it took over 5 minutes before they were rounded up. By this time, some of the other marker people had given up (why????) and so when we all came to work out where to go at a junction, we had no idea. We gaily carried on for about 20 minutes, but were eventually forced to stop. I phoned Gary - no answer. But he did ring back later on and came back to get us. Meanwhile Keith and two others had somehow become separated from the main party and ended up in Southport. Keith phoned me (the joys of having proper communications on a bike) and I told him what was going on. So, he got to sit and enjoy the sunshine for a bit longer.

Eventually we all arrived at Southport where tea and fish & chips were consumed in the midday sun. Very enjoyable but soon it was time to move on. Some of the others decided to make their way over to the Tap pub on the Wirral. Six of us went the other way and had a great ride over to Rivvy barn - where more tea was consumed. After that, we split up and headed home.

It was a great day out - lovely roads and good company. Here's some pictures from Jean:

Meeting up.
Getting ready to go
And arriving at Southport.