Will we? Won't we? For days I had been poring over the weather charts, trying
to decide if we should go ahead with the ride. In the end, I decided we would -
and we made the Chilli and pancake mixes ready for the descending hordes.
Sunday arrived and the weather was reasonable. so, up at a good time, bike
out and I was off for the starting point. Got there around 10:30 to find Derek
waiting - so I got a photo of me on my bike (very unusual - thanks Derek). The
others turned up in dribs and drabs until we had 10 bikes and 3 pillions - very
respectable for this time of year.
A quick brew (or in some cases, a full breakfast) and we were off. I had
chosen a route which bypassed Snake Pass to avoid being balked by the snow. Ha
Ha Ha. We started over Woodhead and then turned left for the normal route over
to Holmfirth. We climbed and climbed. As we got higher the temperature dropped
and dropped. What started out as a balmy 6c was, by the time we got to the top,
well below zero. And there was evidence - lots and lots of snow. This was OK as
long as it stayed off the road. But as we approached the crest, it became
obvious where the council snow ploughs had stopped - yes, the road was covered
in it. Discretion being much the better part of valour, I made the decision to
turn around. Not easy, crossing snow and ice but I had it better than Bob and
Phil, who decided to use the nearby layby and got themselves a bit wedged in.
But we were soon all sorted and we headed back down the hill to find another
route. I took us left onto Woodhead again (after turning off the Sat Nav which
was insisting we go back through the snow) and headed over towards Huddersfield.
Then, left towards Marsden hoping to find the road over the M62 and towards
Hebden Bridge. But the snow started to come down and a decision was made to
abandon the long route and head gracefully to Rochdale.
We did make a quick tea stop at a pub on the A62 where hot drinks were
gratefully received. Then, over to Delph and onto Rochdale. No incidents or
issues apart from a rogue cyclist who insisted on overtaking everyone apart from
me (who was blissfully unaware of the embarrassment behind) and causing
much mirth and merriment when we stopped.
Finally back at Chez Nous (OK, no. 65) the tea was made, the chilli and
pancakes were eaten (Many thanks to Judy and Sheila for doing the pancakes and
drinks) and we spend a happy couple of hours watching the Philip Island WSB and
Cup Final. Sam and son joined us (Keiths tribe) and gave Keith moral support
when they left in the comfort of a car.
Yes, of course there are some photos to look at ! But this report is slightly
different. I snapped a load using "Sports" mode so you can get a sequence - and
the buttons at the left show each riders sequence as well as the normal ones
below. [Let me know if this works or not]. Thanks to Derek for additional pics.