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Woke and to a normal July day - yes, it's raining. Oh well, on with the waterproofs and off to the start. No idea where we are going - this is one of Garys "playdays". He decides the route and we follow like good sheep (baaaa).

I got to the start to find a handful of bikes and people waiting inside. After a bit of banter while the others turned up - and Phil going on and on about leading the "Sore-Ass" awards - we eventually had 8 bikes and 1 pillion. We would like to welcome Greg from the Poynton bike club on his immaculate CBR600. So, off we go down the A6 to Buxton and then the A515 (also known as the caravan route) to a gridlocked Ashbourne (note to Gary - find us a different way next time please). Once through there we proceeded down the A50 until I got the radio message "Paul has stopped". Just to let you know, Paul was riding a 1986 ex-army bike complete with petrol can. So, guess what happened to him? Yes, he'd run out of petrol. And, Yes, the can was empty.... After about 15 minutes, he got it going and we (Derek, Paul and myself) headed slowly to the next services which were about a mile away.

We soon rejoined the rest of the troop who were waiting in a layby further down. Then on to Garys surprise destination - Vics Biker Pub. Now, this may be only my opinion, but it was in a bit of a sorry state. We ended up sitting outside under a marquee while the rain came down, because that was more pleasant than sitting inside. After some food (which took ages to arrive - apart from Jeans beans on toast) we set off for the journey back (going back past a supermarket with a wonderful smell of baking bread). At this point, Phil and Jean left us so we were one bike less.

The next stop was petrol - but at this point, Garys meanderings failed and I had to turn on the Sat Nav to find us a stop. A quick detour to Morrisons and we carried on back up to Leek where we stopped at a very pleasant pub and sat outside by the river. Once that was done, we set off. Neil and I went home via Northwich and Macclesfield respectively and the rest carried on over the Cat & Fiddle and home.

Not the most exciting ride I've ever had, but a pleasant day out. And so some pictures from myself and Jean - more when Derek sends his over. This picture shows the route we took.

At the start. When we came out there were two original Tridents - lovely.
This is the point where Gary found he'd forgotten his radio lead. Bob looks on helpfully, giving wise comments.
The rest of the group waiting around while Paul was getting his bike sorted out. I wonder what Gary is up to?
Arriving at Vics Biker Pub with an admiring (or is it something else?) glance at Pauls bike.
Waiting for the food. It took a while (mine was last!!!).
Jeans had arrived and she'd finished before the rest of us got ours. But did she enjoy it? Well, you decide.
And finally tucking in.
Then, on to the last stop and a nice sit down by the river.