2 - Windy day

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I'm not sure what to say about this ride. It was advertised as an ad-hoc, so it will go in. But I forgot my camera, so no pictures ( but as you will read, there wasn't much opportunity anyway).

All day Saturday it had been pouring with rain. We must have had 4 inches of it but the time I was going to bed. But - I woke up this morning to no rain, just a bit windy. So, out with the bike ( the old one this time, just for a change) and off to Birch Services. Got there about 10:30 and by 11am, there were a whole three of us. Yes, Keith and Mark had joined me but that was it. Never mind, we can still have fun. So, after Mark had filled up, we set off with the intention of doing some nice back roads to Skipton for lunch. Down the motorway to J22, everything seemed fine. The wind was behind us and we "sailed" along quite nicely. Off at J22, down the back roads to Rishworth. I did notice that the water in Scammandan dam was a bit choppy but we carried on OK. Got to the lights at the end of the road and turned back to head for the White House. What a difference. We were being blown everywhere. The higher we went, the worse it got. The view of the dam from the otherside was great with a real waterfall effect. But. by the time we reached the Mythemroid turnoff, we had decided (via the radios - very helpful) that this was not a good idea. So, a change of plan and we headed for the Fishermans at Hollingworth Lake for a spot of lunch and a chat.

A pleasant hour was passed consuming food (lovely chips) and chatting up the waitresses (well, Mark did that, us OLD married folk knew better). Where to next? Well, Hunts was open and I hadn't seen Peter Pan for ages, so we followed Marks bike as it meandered along the M60 over to the bike shop. And from there to home and a good clean.

We didn't seem to do a lot, but I still managed to rack up 90 miles from start to finish - so that's what will go on the mileage. Here's a map of the route we took.