The words are from Keith (our ride leader) - I was
feeling far too tired for a run.
Left the house at 9am for the short trip to the
Bridgewater Hotel to Pick up Gary on his CBF1000 then off to the meeting
point at Mcd's Haslingden. We were the 1st to turn up followed by
After a brew we were ready for off. Phil was going to be back marker, until
he noticed his rear tyre. He wasn't going anywhere but home, his back tyre
was shredded. Off we went with Griff as tail end Charlie, until we were
flagged down in Waddington (not Lincolnshire) by some considerate old boy to
tell us there has been a serious crash and the road was shut. So the detour
button was hit which took us round to Cow Ark then back on the B6478 but the
sat nav said turn right so I did then it started laughing at me and said do
a U turn. Grrrr! OK so back on route towards Lancaster. On to the Motorway
for 1 junction was called out on the radio, unfortunately due Gary (CBF1000)
finding his nerve to open up his bike in the outside lane he didnt see John
at the side of the motorway and as Griff couldn't get by they decided to do
extra mileage, but this will not count towards the sore ass awards I'm
afraid. So the rest of us pulled in at the Truckhaven truck stop and had a
Scooby snack and a brew whilst waitig for them to join us.
We set off again up the A6 to the A590 to our destination at the Barrow Dock
Museum to find Paul Collins, Gary Fisher & Phil Kennedy on his Blade waiting
for us. A quick chat at which I was sure Gazza said they would be making
their way back shortly. So off round the museum which is very interesting.
Then it was into the cafe for more Scooby snax and brews. OK time to go so
off to the bikes and Gazza, Paul and Phil were still waiting.
We decided that as Geoff had plumbed in the address of the Pub we wanted to
visit he can lead the ride back.... Well what a cock up that turned out to
be. After visiting 2 roundabouts twice Geoff went one way to which John said
it's the other way (Geoff's way was quicker) After a bit of choice words and
micky taking we set off back on the A590 to the A65 towards Devils Bridge. A
quick stop for go go juice to which the question arose "Where the hell is
Tony" "Oh yeh, where is Tony?" I checked my phone and there was a message
from Tony, to cut a crazy story short we joined up after a 15 minute break.
Off yet again where cock up 23 occured. John was leading but Griff wasnt
ready, We turned right to go on the B6254 which turned into a what shall we
call a poor excuse for a path. At this stage we lost Phil; apparently Pete
was acting as back marker until Griff caught up, but Griff went a different
way so as Pete sped by Phil, Phil thought "Were's Griff?" so off Phil went
doing a U turn to check out if Griff was OK. In Phil's words "Where the F is
everyone" so as Phil had no idea where anyone was it was off for an ice
cream and home for him while we piled into the Red Well Inn (I think that's
whta it was called). 1 drink later and a chat it was off again back the way
we came. not up the rough road but the way Griff came and back on the A65
for a number of miles opening it up and ringing the bikes necks, not me i
must add; I kept to the speed limit - honest your honour. We turned off the
A65 onto the A682 Through Gisburn to Nelson where a loo stop at the Thatch &
Thistle Pub. This is where i said my good byes and me and Griff rode off
into the sunset.
So there you have it, a day of left right and wrong turns but we got there
in the end. 220 miles consumed and 11 hours on the road.