Another good Manhoc ride today. [Just thought I'd get that in so you'd carry
on reading].
Woke up about 8:30 and, after a leisurely breakfast, went to get the bikes
out of the garage. Note the plural - Norma was coming out on her first ride of
the year!!! A quick check over and we were ready to go. After a stop for petrol
and meeting Phil & Nicola on the M60 ["Who is that stranger on the red CBF?" I
was asked] we arrived at the starting point at Hyde to find 5 bikes already
waiting for us. We wandered in and chatted while the rest of the crowd turned
up. I'd like to offer a warm welcome to Dave Morris on his CBX1000 who had seen
our web site and decided to see what it was like. We also had Gary on his first
Manhoc ride, although he had been to a few meetings - so welcome to him too. We
watched as Pete and John both wandered around looking for petrol stations and,
by the time we were ready to go (only 10 minutes late - not bad for Manhoc), we
had 12 bikes and 3 pillions.
The ride was at an easy pace due to the horrible state of the roads. But
there were no incidents and, apart from stopping once to clean visors, we made
progress. After a couple of missed turns (and that was WITH the sat nav
operating), a trip up a very minor B road and a lot of abuse, we arrived at
Dagfields for a well deserved lunch. Who should be waiting there for us but
Malcolm & Val - who drove in the car to meet us. We felt very virtuous having
done the bike trip - but they were warmer. Never mind, off we go to find the
cafe, sit down and wait for the order. And wait. And wait. But eventually food
arrived - chicken and mushroom pie for me - yummy. But by this time it was
around 2:30 and we still had to wander around Dagfields (which is a craft centre
if you didn't know). So, we came to a unanimous decision to change the route
back to the A51-A49 and head for Poplar services. Gary said he knew the way and
would lead us back.
Around 3:20 pm, we set off back home. Gary was leading and, apart from
admitting to being lost around Nantwich, led a good pace back to Poplar 2000
services. Here we said our goodbyes and headed our way home.
For those who are interested, click on this thumbnail to see our route.
And, of course, some pictures to keep you amused.
At the start - there seem to be a lot of Silver bikes. Just as well
Norma and Phils bikes adds some colour. |
Once inside, the motley crew were found and breakfast ordered. I'm
not sure what Phil ordered - and by the look on his face, neither is he. |
Then back out again to see the complete collection before we set off
(and, for those who indulge, one last fag). Note the nice CBX 1000. By
the end of the ride it wasn't so clean. |
We stopped for a visor cleaning (and fags) break. |
I zoomed off ahead to take photographs, Here are some
which seemed OK. [Note that these are just resized pics. I can do
things with the originals to bring out the features if anyone wants one.] |
Then, onto Dagfields where parked up in a very muddy car park. Macl
& Val came down to greet us and we chatted for a while before... |
Walking up to the centre and looking for food. |
Which was slow in coming, but at least we were warm. |
Finally it started to arrive. |
Once we'd finished, it was out side, get togged up and .....
straight into the sweetie shop. |
This picture of Sam is misleading. What is missing is a bike - which
Keith had moved, leaving poor Sam to struggle with two helmets across
the car park. |
But finally, it was time to go. So we all found the bikes and set
off. |
Stopping for the last time at Poplar 2000 to say our goodbyes. Note
Phils numberplate - not much chance for speed cameras with that one, is
there. |