A very interesting and, at times, spirited ride. OK, so that's the preamble
out of the way so you know what to expect. So, on with the story.
The forecast wasn't brilliant (who remembers the dim and distant Easter
sunshine?). But, I was determined to go anyway because the route includes Shap,
one of my favourite roads. I did manage to stop Keith re-arranging it to avoid
that road, but it was a close thing!!! On with the wet weather gear, fill the
bike up and off we go. Not too bad a journey to the start point (M61 services)
only to find they've knocked it down and we are actually meeting at the petrol
station. I'm glad I had breakfast first!
By the time we set off there were 7 bikes, two with pillions (well done
Nicola and Sam for braving the rigours of the English weather). We zoomed up the
M6 for 30 miles and came off to traverse the countryside over to Devils Bridge.
A brew stop refreshed us all, including bacon butties for the hearty stomached,
and we carried on to Kendal and the A6 over Shap. I zoomed off ahead to enjoy
the route and stopped just outside the village of Shap to take pictures as they
all came past. Once done, I got back on to catch them up - which didn't take
long as they were all stopped in a nearby layby putting on the wet weather gear
(note, this was AFTER the heavens had opened).
We carried on up to Hartside cafe for lunch. Of course, the rain had stopped
and it was a really pleasant ride apart from the damp roads. But no matter, food
and drink awaited us in that bikers haven at the top of the sky. We all enjoyed
the food and chatted for about an hour until it was time to leave.
At this point Keith announced that he had no petrol left and where was the
nearest point of relief. Well, if you've ever been to Hartside, you'll know it's
not exactly in a metropolis - so we just had to hope that there was enough left
to get to Alstom (which there was). So, once we were refreshed, we zoomed
downhill (ah yes, much better for petrol consumption) and filled up. Then, the
lovely 22 mile switchback road down to Middleton. Once again, a lovely ride -
this time not spoiled by rain.
But that was where the fun ended. The route then turned onto minor B roads
which the winter had not been kind to. Bumpy, slow and potholed for about 25
miles until we got to Hawes. It took quite a while and we were all very happy
when the cheese factory came into view and we were able to rest and get
ourselves back in some semblance of order.
The last part of the route was again fun. The ride from Hawes to Settle is
always good and, once we had got off the A65, the rest of the ride along the A59
was again fast and flowing. Most of the party then headed back to Alan & Normas
place to sample the Chilli that Norma had made. Yummy!
And, of course, some pictures. Thanks to Tony for some of them.
At the start. What you can't see is the price of petrol - very
expensive. What you can see is the quality of the starting point! |
Then, on to Devils Bridge where brews and food were consumed. Bob
doesn't seem too happy with his butty. Gary, of course, is happy with
food of any description. |
We stood around chatting for a while. |
Then, on to my first attempt at getting some pictures of them going
past. But (first photo) for some reason they all stopped. While I was
working out why, they then came past. |
But I got one or two. |
So, moving on to Shap, I did get better pictures. |
Then, on to Hartside. Paul couldn't wait for the cafe. |
The rest of us queued nicely and then got stuck in - including
afters for those with extra room. |
Once outside, we donned the rain gear just in case (note the clouds)
before heading off for fuel. |
By the time we got to Hawes, it was bright sunshine. |
So, more drink - this time outside to enjoy the day. The last
picture shows the road we came down (where the arrow is). |
And finally back to Rochdale where the boys found my biking
library!!!! |