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Another day, another good ride. This time, I was determined to go out on my little Hornet - a bike I'd got in June and still only got 400 miles on. Not good. So, planning for someone else to have a sat-nav worked a treat (thanks Keith) and I set off for the start point once I'd filled up. A quick blat down the motorway and I arrived to find a gaggle of bikers stood around John and Robs bikes. John was having problems with HIS sat-nav - in the end , it went in the top box. Robs problem was worse - a nail in the tyre. After a quick brew, Keith got out his repair kit, but since he had no idea how to use it and the instructions said you have to keep under 45mph, Rob decided that he'd better hobble home and get it fixed.

The rest of us set off once the latecomers (that'll be Steve, Ian and Roy then) arrived. We had two newcomers, Mark and Peter - so welcome and I hope you enjoyed it. We toddled down the road following heaps of traffic until we got to Snake Pass. A lovely road, only spoiled (in part) by a cycle race and a Tesco lorry. But we were soon past both of those and carried on at a decent pace past the dam and over the hills into Bakewell. "Anyone for a brew" came over the radio. Ah, much better when the leader remembers to stop occasionally. So, we did - found a nice pub garden at the side of the road and, apart from fending off errant wasps, enjoyed the break.

Then, onwards to Kedleston Hall for our picnic. The first of the three U-turns was performed just outside the gates. Not all Keiths fault, the signage wasn't perfect. But , as leader, he needs to be. So, he got some stick for that. We parked up (Joe nearly parked his on the side when his foot slipped) and found some nice picnic tables and a coffee bar. It was here we met the Chester branch (led by Gary) who had arrived about 30 minutes before we did - so we chatted for a while. Lunch was great (thanks Judy) and we followed it up by a walk around the gardens and an ice cream from the shop (well, it's what bikers do best). But soon it was time to go on our way and we did - out of the grounds and turn left. Which, unfortunately, was the wrong way. Oops. So, another U turn and we were on our way back.

Keith had chosen some great roads and they had very little traffic so we were able to make a decent pace. We eventually got onto the A515 and found a nice pub for afternoon tea (or afternoon beer in Judys case). Some people overshot it and had to turn around (including Keith and John). Once that was over, we all headed back through Buxton and Glossop back to the starting point.

It was a great day out. Just a little mist and spray in the morning (sorry, Roy, but bikes do need cleaning occasionally) and lovely dry roads in the afternoon. I had great fun "hooning around" on my little bike and it still got 60 mpg (according to the trip computer).

A few pictures to liven up your memories.

At one of our regular meeting points. John giving up in disgust trying to get his Garmin to stop buzzing - the rest enjoying McDonalds hospitality.
Outside, Robs tyre wasn't looking too good. But it as no good asking Keith to assist - as you can see from the bemused expression. The rest of us just got ready to go - the Steve arrived - and we set off.
First pub stop. We relaxed in the gardens.
And then on to Kedleston Hall where food was the first consideration.
And viewing the second. But it's a lovely place and well worth a good visit.
The Chester branch people just leaving - Tony giving a BIG wave (they were a long way away and the zoom was on full).
Ice creams for us - while others had more liquid refreshments and chat.
Time to leave. I had arranged with Keith that I would go on ahead and take pictures as they all came by. But for some reason, everyone else decided to follow me. So chaos ensued as some turned back and others just came by. I got one or two pictures, but nothing to write home about. [Next time, please wait for the leader !!!]
The final tea stop. Once again, buzzed by wasps. Keith and Sam found a caravan site to ogle over - the rest of us were just bewildered by mention of "awnings" and "oh look, it's got electricity".
Then, back to the start point to say our goodbyes.