Raven Cafe

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Our first official ride of 2011 and the one to start the HOC 50th anniversary celebrations. I've been checking the weather for days and it's been saying sunny and 5c. Great. So, of course, when I woke up this morning, it was 2c and raining. Oh well, never mind, it may be better over in Cheshire.

So, a quick breakfast, on with the warm gear and off we go to the start point. I got there about 10:15 to find two bikers already there - very keen. I filled up and parked up to join Gary and Geoff in McDonalds for a quick brew. More people arrived as we approached 11am (the starting time), until we had 10 bikes and 2 pillions ready to go. Not bad for early January. We had a new starter - Debra - so welcome and I hope you had fun today.

By this time the sun was shining, so it was on with the dark visor, pass the Sat-Nav to Keith (our leader) and off we go. I was back marker so was able to see all the group ahead of me (until they zoomed off) and also had a radio which came in handy at times. We rode down the A49 and the turned off to take a short cut to the A41. Keith managed to miss the turn so a quick U-turn was managed by most (Debra and I saw it happening and waited by the right turn till they'd all gone by). The, off up a muddy, icy track which caused no end of comments over the radio. But we negotiated it safely and eventually got to the A41. From there, a quick blat down the A roads to the Raven Cafe and an all-day breakfast. Yummy!

From there we headed across country to Knutsford and another tea stop. No major incidents apart from Pete getting pulled up by a plain clothed police car. Apparently, he didn't like Pete's overtaking so gave him a talking to. Meanwhile we had done the honourable thing and left him to it (apart from Mark, who went over to assist). We all met up again at a garden centre tea shop where much merriment ensued. After that, we went our own way home.

In then end it was a lovely day if a bit chilly. Thanks to all who turned up and made it so good. We should try the same route again in the summer when the roads are dry - I think it will be even better.

And, of course, some pictures to remember it with.

At the start - just the three bikes.
But soon joined by loads more.
Inside McDonalds, some tea and breakfast consumed. Of course, Geoff being on a diet just enjoyed chomping on a napkin (honest, Karen, that's all he had).
Then, onto the Raven cafe
and inside for food. Phil and Nicola waited ages for their beans on toast while Gary helped himself to everyone elses food.
Note the mad person at the end of the table. No idea who he is but it does look a lot like our new rides co-ordinator.
Then, back out to the bikes. Guess who left their keys in the bike (answers on a postcard please)
And off to the Garden centre for some tea and cakes. Before that, Phil tried out Geoffs Triumph for size but had problems getting off it.
And inside to the warmth. Apart from Pete who decided to sulk until we provided some sympathy (he was out there for a while).
Now here's an unusual way to eat the cream off a cake.
Finally, back outside to say goodbye after a good days ride.